Mediterranean Fever

  • In theatres15. December 2022
  • Production year2022
  • CountryPalestine, Germany, France, Cyprus & Qatar
  • Length108
  • LanguageAR/de/fr/it
  • ProductionMajdal Films, Pallas Film, Still Moving & Amp Filmworks
  • DirectorMaha Haj
  • CastAmer Hlehel, Ashraf Farah, Anat Hadid, Samir Elias, Cynthia Saleem, Shaden Kanboura
  • Age restriction16
  • Festivals
    Cannes - Un Certain Regard
    Palestinian Oscar Entry

Home Cinema


Waleed (40) lives in Haifa with his wife and children and dreams of a writing career while suffering from chronic depression. He develops a close relationship with his neighbor (a small-time crook) with an ulterior plot in mind. While the scheme turns into an unexpected friendship between the two men, it leads them into a journey of dark encounters.

In this humorous thriller-drama, Maha Haj draws a delicate portrait of the Palestinian existence. She takes the fictional character Waleed to extremes and thus reflects on the state of an entire society.

Press review
A delicate balance between comedy and darker drama throughout.
The Hollywood Reporter

A mixture of comedy, thriller and character study.
In Haifa, an unlikely friendship between two neighbours is the basis of a new exploration of masculinity and mental illness.

A black comedy full of surprises.

Official WebsiteAll Films



ab 14.12.22
La Chaux-de-Fonds, Cinéma ABC
ab 14.12.22
Neuchâtel, Cinéma Minimum
ab 15.12.22
ab 22.12.22
Lausanne, Zinema
ab 22.12.22
ab 22.12.22
ab 22.12.22
Winterthur, Cameo
ab 22.12.22
Zürich, Arthouse Uto
ab 22.12.22
Genève, Les Scala
ab 29.12.22
ab 29.12.22
Massagno, Lux arthouse
ab 29.12.22
Frauenfeld, Cinema Luna
ab 05.01.23
Saint-Croix, Cinéma Royal
ab 11.01.23
ab 14.02.23