CERN und der Sinn für Schönheit
- In theatresSpring 2018
- Production year2017
- CountrySwitzerland, Italy
- Length75
- LanguageIT/de/fr/it
- ProductionAMKA Films
- DirectorValerio Jalongo
- Cast
- Age restriction
- Festivals
Visions du Réel, Prix Europa, Inscience, Visioni dal Mondo, Trieste science+fiction
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Four years after the sensational discovery of the ‘Higgs boson’, the CERN research centre is about to undertake a remarkable new experiment.
The experiment is a journey through the remotest time and on the smallest scale that we can imagine: an exploration of matter about one millionth of a second following the Big Bang that generated our universe. As the new experiment at CERN proceeds in its exploration of the mysterious energy that animates the universe, scientists and artists guide us towards the shadow line where science and art, in different ways, pursue truth and beauty. Some of these men and women believe in god, while others believe only in experiment and doubt. But in their search for truth they are all alert to an elusive sixth – or seventh – sense… the sense of beauty.
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