
  • In theatres02.03.2022
  • Production year2021
  • CountryFrance
  • Length95
  • LanguageFrench, de/it
  • ProductionDharamsala
  • DirectorConstance Meyer
  • CastGérard Depardieu, Déborah Lukumuena, Lucas Mortier, Steve Tientcheu, Megan Northam
  • Age restriction16
  • Festivals
    Semaine de la Critiques Cannes 2021
    FFFH Biel 2021
    Castellinaria Festival del cinema giovane 2021
    Chicago International Film Festival 2021

Home Cinema


Paris, today.
George is an aging film star in decay. Aïssa, a semi-pro wrestler who earns a living as a security officer, has a hard time handling her love life. When Georges right-arm man and only friend takes a leave of absence for several weeks, Aïssa is immediately appointed as his replacement. Between this pragmatic young lady bodyguard and our disenchanted renowned actor, a singular bond begins to take root. Despite their individual differences, life has shaped them in ways more similar than they thought.

Official WebsiteAll Films

Special Screenings

10.3.22, 20.15
Special screening in cooperation with the Wrestling Club Winterthur. Talk with Nadine Pietschmann (founder and head coach of the Wrestling Academy Bern) and Philipp Rohrer (wrestling coach and philosopher), moderated by Angelina Hofer (film scholar).
24.2.22, 20.00
Preview incl. Skype Q&A with director Constance Meyer and actress Déborah Lukumuena
18.11.22, 20.45
Festival Out of Competition


