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Manchmal ist die Schweiz eben doch eine Insel: mitten im chilenischen Archipel liegt die kleine Robinson Crusoe Insel, mit Internetverbindung, Fernsehen und sogar ein paar wenigen Fahrzeugen für die 600 Insulaner. Alle sind sie Nachkommen eines Berner Aristokraten. Der Grossteil der Bevölkerung lebt vom Langustenfang und vom Tourismus. Die Insulaner lieben ihre unwirtliche und von Stürmen umtoste Insel, sind stolz auf ihre helvetische Abstammung und halten seit Generationen an der Schweizer Kultur fest, die Alfred von Rodt 1877 als erster helvetischer Kolonialherr mitbrachte. Als Sündenbock des Berner Adels brach er mit seiner Familie, eroberte als Söldner ferne Welten und gründet sein eigenes kleines Königreich – die Robinson Crusoe Insel.

INSULANER ist eine sanfte Hymne der Eroberung mit Pedro Lenz’ Erzählstimme, die schmunzelnd auf uns Schweizer blickt – von ganz weit her. 



Squabbling with his girlfriend and stranded on different friends’ couches, 38-year-old Guido tries to transform his wacky urban drift into a chance for a new beginning.

Guido leads a content and uncomplicated life until one day a leaky condom comes between him and Chiara. While the idea of a baby makes Guido want to get more settled, Chiara admits to growing doubts about their relationship. They argue until Guido packs his bags and leaves. Unable to be alone, Guido asks parents and friends to put him up. As he moves from one couch to the next, he gains a whole new perspective on his family and friends’ relationships, witnessing their everyday lives and various romantic entanglements up close. Approaching 40 with nothing to his name, Guido’s life is far from what he thought it would be at this point. Stranded at the end of this love he still finds a way to laugh it all off and embrace life’s curveballs.


Chris the Swiss

Chris the Swiss

Anja Kofmel already admired her cousin Chris as a little girl. His mysterious death in the midst of the wars in Yugoslavia in 1992 still keeps her occupied. Especially as the young Swiss journalist wore the uniform of an international mercenary group at the time of his death. What happened?

As an adult, Anja decides to follow his story. She tries to understand what Chris’ actual involvement in this conflict was and takes us on a quest to Croatia. She tells of her journey in a fine mix of documentary and animated film. Meanwhile the film already won several awards.



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Inmitten der Vorbereitungen für ihren 35.Hochzeitstag erfährt Meredith überraschend, dass sie HIV-positiv ist. Als Überträger kommt nur ihr Mann André in Frage. Je näher die Hochzeitsfeier rückt, desto brüchiger scheint jene Ehe, die da gefeiert werden soll. Mutig, wütend und hoffend, spürt Meredith, dass es eine gemeinsame Zukunft nur geben kann, wenn sie André restlos verzeiht. Doch wie viel Verletzung hält Liebe aus?



How much of your own life are you willing to risk?

Laura Poitras, Academy Award winning director of CITIZENFOUR, returns with her most personal and intimate film to date. Filmed over six years, RISK is a complex and volatile character study that collides with a high stakes election year and it’s controversial aftermath. Cornered in a tiny building for half a decade, Julian Assange is undeterred even as the legal jeopardy he faces threatens to undermine the organization he leads and fracture the movement he inspired. Capturing this story with unprecedented access, Poitras finds herself caught between the motives and contradictions of Assange and his inner circle.

In a new world order where a single keystroke can alter history, Risk is a portrait of power, betrayal, truth, and sacrifice.

Almost There

Almost There

Three men who embark on a journey in search of meaning and happiness in the autumn of their lives. Bob swaps his safe home for a campervan and tries to find the though guy inside himself in the barren Californian desert. Drag queen and stand-up comedian Steve is fed up of England and makes amends with his past between Benidorm’s concrete towers. And Yamada rediscovers his smile by reading stories to children in Tokyo.

ALMOST THERE is a film about time, dignity and the transience of life.


Die Migrantigen

Die Migrantigen

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Benny und Marko, zwei Wiener mit sogenanntem „Migrationshintergrund“, sind vollständig integriert. So sehr, dass sie kaum noch als fremd wahrgenommen werden – wären da nicht Bennys schwarze Haare. Als die beiden aufgrund ihres Aussehens am Rudolfsgrund, einem ethnisch durchmischten Vorstadtviertel, von der ambitionierten TV-Regisseurin Marlene Weizenhuber, die nach Protagonisten für ihre TV-Dokuserie sucht, angesprochen werden, geben sie sich als kleinkriminelle und abgebrühte Migranten aus, die es faustdick hinter den Ohren haben. Damit ihre Lüge nicht auffliegt, bauen sie sich eine zweite Identität, die aus Klischees und Vorurteilen besteht. Und während die beiden durch die Erfüllung dieser Erwartungen und Vorurteile die Serie zum Erfolg machen, setzen sie sich gleichzeitig zum ersten Mal mit den echten Integrationsschicksalen auseinander – auch mit ihren eigenen… eine politisch unkorrekte Komödie über moderne Klischees, falsche Identitäten und „echte“ Ausländer – falls es die überhaupt gibt!

Princess Shaw

Princess Shaw

It is the age of New Media, and people of all ages and kinds, all around the world are posting an endless stream of video clips online at any given moment. Every day, tens of thousands of web surfers cram their video notes into virtual bottles, toss them into the boundless ocean that is the internet, and pray that they are found. All they want is for someone to pick up their bottle and find the treasure hidden inside it.

Kutiman is surfing and looking for new talents for his new album. Last time he released a THRU YOU album on Youtube it got more than two million clicks in a two weeks.

Now he found the princess…

Ophir Kutiel aka Kutiman, an Israeli musician, spent the past few years creating audiovisual symphonies entirely out of musical clips that people posted online from all over the world. The first project was published five years ago. It immediately went viral and Time Magazine chose the project as one of the fifty top innovations of the year. It was a breakthrough in the way that art is created and distributed, using the principles of free content.

In September 2014 Kutiman unveiled his new symphony THRU YOU TOO online starting with the single GIVE IT UP that within a couple of days only got more than 700’00 clicks and received raving reviews worldwide (see links to reviews at the bottom).

It revolves around ‘Princess’, otherwise anonymous, who performs her songs online without any musical accompaniment. Kutiman creates an elaborate musical production out of her songs, complementing an original piece with various other musical offerings posted by amateur musicians around the world.

The camera uncovers the Princess’ story and accompany her, Samantha, as she goes about her life, both before and after the release of the musical project in which she is the main star. In order to maintain the element of surprise, the protagonists are filmed at the starting point, knowing only that they are participating in a documentary about songwriters online. During the shoot, both the project and the film’s objective will be revealed. Samantha – The Princess – got only one day after the release of the single online an offer from an Australian record company.

Through You Princess is a film about loneliness, the human longing to be heard, to obtain recognition, to be loved. It is a film about long-lasting anonymity in a world constantly creating new stars. It is a film about talent, persistence, and the arbitrary connection we all have to success.


“An exciting and almost unbelievable story about the passion for music and unending perseverance, about talent refusing to bow for a depressing reality. This is a film that intelligently uses the cinematic potential of new technologies enabling connection between people in the digital age, and it’s also an outstanding example of non-fiction scriptwriting. The film reminds at times of ‘Catfish’ and of ‘Searching for Sugarman’ but it mostly excited me terribly.” – Ohad Landsman, Doctalk

Nice People

Nice People

What do you do when 3000 Somalis run over your small town in the backlands of Sweden, and McDonalds starts being called ‘Little Mogadishu’? Local journalist and jack of many trades Patrik Andersson has an idea: let sport unite the people. And so guys who have never known temperatures below 20 degrees become the national team for Bandy ice hockey of Somalia. Count on having some fun: they do for sure!



An atheist, Iranian filmmaker Mehran Tamadon, managed to convince four mullahs, all believers in the Islamic Republic of Iran, to come and stay with him for two days and engage in discussion.
In this confined space, daily life is combined with debate, an unremitting demonstration of the problematic issue of how to live together, when each side’s understanding of the world is so contrary?