
  • In theatresMarch 2025
  • Production year2024
  • CountrySwitzerland
  • Length
  • Language
  • Production
  • DirectorAnna Thommen
  • Cast
  • Age restriction
  • Festivals


NAIMA reflects the individual fates of many migrants, who, unlike ‘expats’, start out in a foreign country with completely different prerequisites. Unrecognised diplomas and limited access to apprenticeships often prevent them from realising their potential and finding their place in society. This often results in health issues, especially mental health issues, which create a vicious circle for their professional and family lives.
In the media, migrants often appear as a threatening group, but rarely do we get to know who they really are. NAIMA shows the struggles and untapped potential that many still carry with them even after years in their new country. We look behind the façade of prejudice and show a fighter who is seeking a path to fair integration for herself and many others. Naima is not only meant to encourage migrants but everyone who fights for their place in society.

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