The Shameless

The Shameless

Au cœur de la nuit, Renuka s’échappe d’un bordel de Delhi après avoir poignardé à mort un policier.
Elle se réfugie dans une communauté de prostituées du nord de l’Inde, où elle rencontre Devika, une jeune fille condamnée à la prostitution.
Leur lien se transforme en une romance interdite. Ensemble, elles entreprennent un voyage périlleux pour échapper à la loi… et se forger leur propre chemin vers la liberté.

Born Svetlana Stalin

Born Svetlana Stalin

1967, in the middle of the Cold War, Joseph Stalin’s only daughter, Svetlana, goes to the American embassy in New-Dehli and asks for asylum. She leaves behind her country and her two children. In the East as in the West, the shock is immense. Geopolitically, the case is ultra-sensitive: in panic, US President Lyndon Johnson hides her in French-speaking Switzerland, where she will stay with nuns. Chased by the press, the KGB and many admirers, Svetlana will never stop fleeing throughout her life. From the top of the Soviet empire to the solitude and poverty of her last years in a Wisconsin home, the film traces the destiny of this resolutely free woman, a grain of sand in the state machinery of both blocs.